Our group at WSU is carrying out lots of exciting research on active galactic nuclei and dwarf galaxies. Find out more about our group members below. Contact me for more information about opportunities in our group.


LSST Catalyst Postdoctoral Fellow

Chris is an expert on multi-wavelength studies of obscured active galactic nuclei.


Graduate Students

Allison is a second year PhD student studying tidal disruption events.

Erin is a second year PhD student studying the morphologies of dwarf galaxies with active galactic nuclei.

LSST Data Science Fellow

Messick is a fourth-year graduate student studying X-ray properties of dwarf galaxies with active galactic nuclei.

Erik is a fourth-year graduate student currently studying the properties of AGN selected through UV variability.

Past group members

Sasha Campana, REU student, 2022.

Brandon Castillo, MS Physics at WSU, 2022. Thesis: “Using the Kepler Space Telescope to search for Active Galactic Nuclei”

Emily Kehoe, REU student, Summer 2021.